Projet de Parc Ionien (engl)
Aide à la recherche Sentinelles

For several years we have been hearing about the establishment of a Ionian park, for which we were able to consult several projects without anything seems to be successful on the ground. Last spring the creation of this park seemed imminent on the basis of this proposal
The Greek Ionian islands and the coastline that borders them constitute the western limit of the Ionian Sea, they include the park of Zante, dedicated more particularly to the preservation of marine turtles and several marine protected areas.
The proposed park concerns a particular area, called inland sea (Inland sea on some charts)
Sea stretch between the shore of Acarnania and the large Ionian islands offshore (Lefkada and Cephalonia/ Ithaca) in particular); it houses a dozen small and medium-sized islands, more or less scattered
Sea conditions
The Ionian Sea does not have a particular wind like the Mistral in Provence,… the Meltem in the Aegean, although of course , as any sea can be, subject to strong winds. The inland sea has, moreover, the advantage of being more sheltered from the waves of the high seas and therefore proves to be a sea of easy appearance and little worrying. A seasonal thermal wind, mostly moderate, makes the water attractive for the sailor men neophytes and occasional .
Monk seal:
Its regular presence has been established for a long time but has proved increasingly important. On the large islands of Zante, Kefalonia … Specimens have been regularly observed for decades and some habitats listed, but what characterizes a particular island in the inland sea is the very sharp increase in the number of individuals that are recorded there.
This increase in the M monachus population does not appear to be an initial underestimation. Regulars of these islands have reported to me that thirty years ago, they saw a seal from time to time, a little more often than elsewhere but it remained rare. Nowadays, a boatman tells me that he saw two to five of them during his one-hour visits on the island at certain times of the year. The Tethys organization has identified 40 individuals in the last 12 years.
This agricultural region has long been spared by mass tourism. Only, the small island of Skorpio was known for its former owner the billionaire stirring A. Onassis and famous guests (s). The big yachts of very rich people, continue to sail and anchor in these areas. Recently, this relatively calm and easy sea has attracted a larger, denser heliotrope clientele, among which the proportion of experienced boaters and sea enthusiasts is rather low. The sailing boats of rental walk, often with the engine in flotilla, the catamarans abound, … the latest nautical gadgets are spreading! After the photos of La Callas, Jackie Kennedy, W Churchill… and other stars of Skorpio those of the seal are in fashion; the animalistic filmmakers have succeeded the numerous Paparazzi, the number of the curious has increased.
There does not appear to be a culture of hostility towards seals among fishermen as is found on other islands or in other parts of the Mediterranean. The discovery of a young seal being gutted on an island dates back some time and seems isolated. The fishermen’s speech is often soothing, one of them told me that the seal «stole» him some fish in his nets, but without damaging the mesh, then dolphins doing much more damage in fishing gear. Besides these good words, we often find nets and longlines near caves and haulout sites
Several boatmen have been organizing for decades excursions with stages in these islands, they are often small family businesses of Lefkada who do not mention the seal in their brochures. And if it is surprising to see in the middle of the morning, a boat bringing in a small quiet bay about sixty tourists, who bathe where a few hours before some seals were swimming, It must be noted that this activity did not hinder the growth of the population of Monachus. Also, often these tourism professionals inform scientists and their regular information is valuable.
Evolution leading to this project
Between 2010 and 2020, as more and more seals visited Formikoula, the news of their presence spread widely. At the same time, regional tourist traffic was expanding and the culture of buzz and instagrammable invaded social networks.
The confinement of the COVID pandemic has seen the return of the Monachus on the beaches so this period was quiet for them, Then the crowd deprived of space and nature on the one hand, and even more imbued with relations in distanciel has returned as illustrated by the images of the report leading to the establishment of the natural Park.
2021 also marks the release of a magnificent documentary about the monk seal filmed in this area, and notably on Formikoula: l’Odyssée du phoque Moine by Octopus Fondation. I can only encourage you to go and watch the wonderful images of this exceptional report. Beauty of the images, photographic mastery as classical as aerial or underwater, modernity of the technologies presented, scenario of the interventions of the different witnesses…. a work of several years on a restricted area, therefore clearly identifiable. Entering into a debate about the sociological aspect of the pandemic and its management is irrelevant, but what can be said about the documentary?
Discussion on the impact of “Monk Seal Odyssey”
This communication was made in the perspective of seal protection, but did it have an adverse effect on the tourist attendance of the M monachus seabreams?
The sense of responsibility of the various local people interviewed is, of course, different. The scientist from Ionian Dolphin project in Vonitsa as the kayaker of Ithaca do not give any particular element in my opinion. But what about the diver of Fiskardo who shows the cave called «the cathedral» and the underwater shelter of a seal on Cephalonia, where a powerful underwater drone is experienced. The indications given and the photographs give a precise idea of the points where to meet this rare animal north and east of Fiskardo.
Despite the commentary on the scenario, the shots taken mainly by drone allow Formikoula to be easily identified on applications that are essential nowadays, such as Google Earth°.
If we take a closer look at the Fiskardo diving club, we see that at the Paris Salon de la plongée he does not hesitate to use the seal as an advertising argument for this commercial activity while the local boatmen whose websites I consulted use, for most vague terms, such as “wildlife”, “rich biodiversity”,… On his club’s FaceBook page, there is another version of “the Odyssey.” , shorter more focused on the diver at least as much loquacious as local, with other images of seals, especially very young taken in their shelters. The soundtrack is available in six or seven languages (not in Greek), for the very large audience of the channel Arte and the magazine Géo. Should we not question the effective role of video surveillance in this sequence with pups ?
The director of Fiskardo divers chairs, alongside his diving club, a ‘kosamare‘ environmental association whose main subject is the monk seal.
Local grants for environmental associations are subject to educational and cultural initiatives. On the Facebook page of this association, which is a signatory to the “sanctuary” project for the small island, we can see that the cultural activity developed by this association consists of an exhibition of photographs on the docks and downtown areas of port cities, a young monk seal «shot» under water at a short distance is one of the stars of this summer event that attracts a large audience, notables and elected officials to the point of exporting from port to port. During an evening in Fiskardo, in June 2023, seeing this seductive image that every visitor would like to make I had fun asking in the establishments and on the pontons around «where to see seals like the one exposed?» in ten minutes Formikoula was quoted to me several times.
On the contrary, boaters who like to anchor their sailboats in the calm of this « island with seals », as it is now called, remain discreet. On the applications giving information for navigation and Navily type shelters, we note a respect of confidentiality. Managers of natural parks and marine protected areas insist on a code of good conduct, there are penalties for offenders! What rules apply to them and what are the promotion criteria?
Adverse effect of advertisement
Another example of dangerous communication on the areas to be protected, heard in this area that could be summarized as “it is necessary to protect seals fortunately that access to Formikoula will be banned soon” This kind of announcement:
– Identifies the location where animals to protect are most likely to be seen
– the soon, or this summer or next year for this ban could only encourage people to go there or even rush
Of course, this speech is not given by the big associations, with far headquarters, like Téthys, Archipelago Isea or MOm from Athens. The Commission is carrying out a heavy work of expertise, approaches and proposals to the various administrations, particularly governmental ones, concerned. On the other hand, some small local associations anxious to claim a share of the authorship of this project, thus flattering their own image and allowing to envisage a special right of access to a « sanctuary » space.
Formikoula’s situation has become such in recent years that a lot of bans is now the only solution to protect seals from the growing disturbance of an irresponsible tourist crowd, It is unnecessary to add our own images to those illustrating this project. But beyond Formikoula, and the urgency of its situation, what to consider for other remarkable places for the monk seal in this area, and how to avoid falling into the same ways?
Aesthetic and Ethical
Let us recall all the good that we can think of this film and its aesthetics, its positive aspect to make the seal love and therefore protect it. But is it wise to have the foundation that made these beautiful images sign the report to prohibit access? These shots that many dream of making of these animals that are somehow invited to approach, is it a good idea to associate their directors with the act aimed at prohibiting these desires they initiate? Does this reinforce the message of learned societies? Or on the contrary, does the public not risk hearing « we who allow ourselves a lot, forbid you almost everything! »? What to expect from what may appear as a mixture of the genres between aesthetic and ethical?
« Is the ban on the public valid to not disturb animals? Or rather not to disturb the film crews who have exclusive rights for the observation of nature or scientists who will have a laboratory at little cost? » We can always call these statements of conspiracies, but is it prudent to give them a semblance of legitimacy? Let the wildlife videographer look for the most extraordinary images that a dive club owner can give you as an advertisement for his business, they are in their role! That their sources of income make them forget the sense of responsibility towards the animal, which they present as the defenders «communication»… “business” we are in 2024 in the West: either! But beyond the status of nature protection association and participation in regulation, is it desirable?
Final essay
Among mammals, not all are merely opportunistic predators; some stand out for values once called human. I think of these local boatmen who, from father to son, arm their boat to lead foreigners a beautiful coastline , and who accept kindly that they are brutally deprived of a stage of their journey to better protect animals that they have been able to preserve. I admire their understanding of this verdict that punishes them for a situation whose responsibility is elsewhere. In a climate where man is often pointed at these Sea Humans deserves to be mentioned. I admit that I am not sure of having the wisdom of these Greeks, whom I admire and think that elsewhere in the Mediterranean other islanders, other coastal populations might be less resilient.
We hope that the prohibitions, which have become inevitable, of Formikoula are not perceived elsewhere as the message that “if on a segment of coast you protect or simply let live and develop animals in danger you run the risk, in the future, to see you deprived of enjoying this space that you will have been able to preserve”. Many people are indifferent to the monk seal’s fate but may not perceive its return if they perceive such a message. Monachus had too many enemies in the last centuries, they are less numerous and aggressive because the situation has changed. The preservation of this marine mammal remains complex, it seems essential not to recruit new enemies by thoughtless or ill-coordinated actions.
The implementation of a regulation of this Ionian park is highly desirable but think about better manage upstream by preventing certain deviations, By repeating such treatments, to improve the situation of our pinniped, Should we not be looking at future adverse effects?
Criticism is easy, art is difficult is the object of this reflection is not to complain about a successful action, because the Greeks have been able to protect the seal despite the extent of the task and the weakness of means, let’s never forget it. We Europeans try more to help them in their work of protection than to draw particular benefits from their success. Above all, let us analyse and draw the lessons from the know-how they have proved in the Aegean, but also from some Ionian missteps, more western not to be reproduced.
We are thinking about the respective place of mammals as opportunistic predators in the environment! Yesterday, the seal had no place, soon (or already for some) it is up to man to have no more of his! And if we try in all humility to think with more humanity than opportunism, could we hope that the seal, and even more, is doing better ?
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